Using pip pakcageΒΆ

  • For using my model for predictions, use the following lines of code after installation:

    import celeb_detector # on running for the first time, this will
    download vggface model
    img_path = 'sample_image.jpg' # this supports both local path and web url like https://sample/sample_image_url.jpg
    celeb_detector.celeb_recognition(img_path) # on running for the first time, 2 files (celeb_mapping.json and celeb_index_60.ann) will be downloaded to the home directory

    This returns a list of dictionaries, each dictionary contains bbox coordinates, celeb name and confidence for each face detected in the image (celeb name will be unknown if no matching face detected).

  • For using your own custom model, also provide path to json and ann files as shown below:

    import celeb_detector
    img_path = 'sample_image.jpg'
    ann_path = 'sample_index.ann'
    celeb_map = 'sample_mapping.json'
    celeb_detector.celeb_recognition(img_path, ann_path, celeb_map)
  • For creating your own model (refer next section for more details on usage) and run as follows:

    import celeb_detector
    folder_path = 'celeb_images'